Working with variables
The variables module is the secondary module of This is where you define variables that can be linked to your decision tree in the main decision tree module.

1. Variable name
Enter the Variable name. It is good practice to use a descriptive variable name that logically links the name with its corresponding branch in the decision tree later on. Names cannot contain spaces, and must be unique.
2. Uncertainty
Assign uncertainty to the Variable. The Base case value should be defined as being the most likely estimate. The Low value is a pessimistic estimate and the High value is an optimistic estimate.
– Enter a Base case value, Low value and High value to define a Triangular distribution
– Enter a Low and High value for Uniform distributions
– Enter only a Base case value for Constants
A triangular distribution is very usable, as we will often be able to estimate the maximum and
minimum values and the most likely outcome. In addition the triangular distribution is a good model for skewed distributions.
A uniform distribution defines at uncertainty range within a maximum and minimum value where all outcomes within the range are equally likely to occur.
3. Display chart
The distributions can be pre-viewed before being linked up in the decision tree. Focus your attention on those variables and distributions that have extreme values and/or a wide spread. They will dominate the calculations in the tree.
4. Edit
Click the pencil icon to the right of each variable to move it up or down in the list, to insert a new variable or remove a variable.